Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Public Interest: Poor Little Lamb Approach For DTC's Defense Falls Flat Against Aggressive, Effective Legal Attack by Haverhill's Town Counsel at Summary Judgment Hearing

 By: Rich Bergeron

Judge Lawrence A. MacLeod, Jr. 

      A scheduled hour-and-a-half hearing in Grafton Superior Court on Monday, September 30th, 2024 featured two widely different perspectives of the Haverhill vs. Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella (DTC) controversy. The legal drama playing itself out on the superior court stage in New Hampshire right now could determine that it may indeed be the ultimate right of a conflicted select board to hire a conflicted attorney brought in on a conflicted referral by Woodsville's current District Administrator Kevin Shelton. The conflict trifecta might fly moving forward in this state if you could possibly believe the arguments made by Attorney Tara Lynch, representing DTC. 

      Judge Lawrence A. MacLeod Jr. did not seem very enthused by the literal weight of the town's case against DTC. He held up the stack of filings early in the hearing and talked about never seeing such a lengthy statement of material facts, but he did not really admonish any party for it or tip his hand to where he was leaning on the case so far. 

      Prior to any argument on the motion, the matter of an affidavit from Former DRA Revenue Counsel Peter Roth took center stage. Attorney Lynch, on behalf of DTC, argued the document should not be allowed in the record. At the same time, the lack of that affidavit is also one of the central themes of one of DTC's previous challenges to the town's facts. So they point at the town and say you can't prove it, you don't have testimony to back it up and then complain about a closed record when the town actually provides that testimony. It's entirely disingenuous and petty.   

       Lynch's fickle objection fell on deaf ears as the judge never ruled on it and decided instead to carry on with the hearing and announce he'd decide the affidavit's admissibility later. This bit of lame legal work set the stage for Lynch's entire defensive litigation strategy, which is best described as "the poor little lamb approach." This set the tone for the defendants in the case to classify themselves as the real victims in the matter who deserved relief from the court. 

      Not knowing his opening would be a perfect punchline for the moment, Town Counsel Derek Kline began by explaining to the judge that this was really "a simple case." The judge grumbled out loud about how simple it was and referred to the heavy record again. Kline then proceeded to kneecap DTC's case entirely with one core principle: The Public Interest. 

       The town's representative first outlined crucial points of law working in the town's favor that would moot the rest of the case entirely. He detailed precedent cases that prove in any public interest situation, a conflict cannot even be legally waived. Remember, Board Member Kevin Knapp specifically stated in his deposition testimony that the board that attempted to hire DTC and Hawkins never considered trying to find an attorney with no conflict. 

        The "appearance of impropriety" in this unique scenario can plainly be identified on both sides of an illegitimate attorney/client relationship between a conflicted Haverhill Select Board and a bitterly conflicted attorney in the lead role of duplicitous and ineffective legal representation. 

       The Haverhill Town Counsel's characterization of that ever so rocky relationship between DTC's Hawkins and this conflicted board hit home and landed hard on the judge, who seemed entertained and intrigued all at once. Kline compared Hawkins working for Haverhill to a Hatfield going to work for a McCoy and a lawyer from the South jumping ship to go work with the North in the Civil War days. 

       Letting Former Woodsville Lawyer Christopher Hawkins lead the charge for Haverhill in a case directly stemming from the Haverhill to Woodsville funding feud is just a complete fraud on the court and the community. The town made their case there and really set the tone for the rest of the hearing.  

      The "disinterested lawyer" standard consumed much of the town counsel's early legal arguments. Extensive case law supports the idea that engaging in a conflict of interest nullifies the work of any law firm that attempts to do so and gets caught. If a disinterested lawyer analyzing the facts of a case would clearly call this a conflict of interest, it most definitely was. That is the law of the land, plain and simple. 

    Kline did a masterful job of painting the big picture and reinforcing the factual framework to show beyond the shadow of any doubt that a conflict of interest waiver was never initiated properly by a valid public vote of the conflicted Haverhill Board of Selectmen. He turned the judge's concern about the length of the pleadings right around on MacLeod by continuously harping on "all the facts you held up" supporting his case and showing his good faith efforts on behalf of Haverhill. 

      It is important to note here that Judge MacLeod is very familiar with the "appearance of impropriety" standard since he's recused himself from high profile cases in the past. (see also: Judge Recuses Himself From Ed Funding Case - NH Journal). Judge MacLeod recused himself for appearance issues only, while DTC's behavior in the current case shows a clear motivation to minimize actual conflict. The burden of proof to show an appearance of impropriety is well met here since there was actual severe impropriety going on behind the scenes between the conflicted board and DTC. 

     Kline repeatedly pointed to an email in which Hawkins expressed to the Woodsville Administrator that he hoped Former Town manager Codling was "burned" and Woodsville got "a lot of money" in the lawsuit he once pursued on behalf of the district. Town Counsel also tore apart the affidavit provided by Hawkins and showed it was more favorable to the town's case since it reveals that in house counsel at DTC agreed a waiver of conflict was required. 

     Kline showed poignantly that there was never a valid conflict waiver in place to coronate the arrangement as official and valid. Even if the public interest being triggered was not a factor the judge could consider, the Town proved that no valid quorum vote of the board ever took place to waive DTC's conflict. No valid quorum vote allowed Former Board Vice Chairman Steve Robbins to sign hiring and conflict waiving documentation for DTC on behalf of the entire board. No valid hiring vote ever took place despite DTC defending itself by insisting the board members ratified the retention of DTC at the direction of Codling, so their move had to be correct. 

       This is just baffling incompetence on the part of either Lynch or her co-counsel James Soucy to even argue this point in writing or out loud at a public hearing. First of all, if you're jumping up and down and pointing at Town Manager Codling having the correct advice that the board followed, you're hurting your other argument that the DTC attorneys were justified to lock her out of the rest of the discussions with the town's board of selectmen. Lynch harping on this point was simply pathetic, because it proves this iteration of the board fully relied on and trusted the Town Manager's guidance at the same time they vociferously insisted she shouldn't take part in the legal process with DTC. 

      However, a firm or attorney cannot be officially hired by a municipality in a conflict scenario before the waiver is produced. It just defies plain, basic logic to allow that in any scenario.  DTC attorneys simply lied about the status of the conflict waiver to fool Codling into believing their representation was kosher and above board. Still, Codling and her colleague Jennifer Boucher pressured DTC attorneys for the paperwork to sign and were not dealt with responsibly and honestly by multiple DTC attorneys.     

    Even if it could somehow still be considered iffy to believe a disinterested lawyer would disqualify DTC's demand for payment here, Town Counsel briefed the rest of the concerns regarding the public interest very well. In some case law, the plain rule is that conflicts cannot ever be consented to at all in a matter of the public trust. The issue of this being a municipality operating under a Town Manager political design also won the day for Kline. Rules that would seem to easily apply to a private party standard could not meet the much higher standards required of a legitimate municipal attorney/client relationship. 

     Much of this story revolves around heinous legal behavior that even first year law students would know to avoid, especially in a case where DTC self admits to having a "potential conflict" that required a waiver in the first place. DTC attorneys who created this mess and their current counsel knew all along that the lack of a public vote to waive conflict could sink their legal battleship. They persisted anyway, hoping to take the town to deep financial waters where the big insurance firm defending DTC could drown them in costs. These attorneys used code words like "polled" to insinuate some kind of formal full board vote where no such valid vote happened to waive conflict at any public proceeding. 

       Lynch continued to insist that the board could act "at any time" to revoke Codling's authority over all Woodsville legal matters. However, the town's standard operating procedures do not support that statement. For the court to agree with Lynch, it would have to surrender forever to the concept that shadow governments can and will exist in the "Live Free or Die" state in perpetuity. It is hard to imagine what she means by "act" in this situation if she's not referring to a formal open meeting vote covered by NH RSA 91A.

       On top of these audacious claims and dangerous attempts to set unsupported precedent, Lynch never produced actual evidence or any abundance of support cases to bolster her approach. There are no concrete records of the allegedly valuable legal consultations DTC claims they provided the corrupted board members. Just a bunch of billing entries. Crucial "action" was allegedly taken to waive DTC's conflict at a non-meeting where no public vote occurred, not even a non-public session vote. It was a private meeting that was not recorded. No minutes of this meeting exist. 

      This condition violates RSA 91A and nullifies any purported "action" taken by any governing body of any NH municipality at such an informal meeting. Much has been made about the DTC firm and their crooked attorneys working for "the town," and yet, Lynch certainly made the case at this hearing that DTC was working for the board. Only one partisan wing of the town's administration directed them in their alleged "work" for the entire town. 

      The Town of Haverhill had a town manager and her assistant in place as a check and balance to any situation where the board went "rogue." That was sidestepped by way of DTC's purposeful misconduct and inherent trust in the guidance and direction of such a conflicted board. Attorney Hawkins willingly and repeatedly let his own personal feelings toward the situation drive his decision-making process. Attorney Lynch insists he was being "overly cautious" to even seek a waiver in this scenario. The evidence shows the conflict drove Hawkins to actually petition for "origination" credit on the case. This case was only brought to him because of the history he had with Woodsville. Current Board Member Kevin Knapp admitted in sworn open testimony at his deposition that he never considered looking for an attorney without a conflict. Hawkins always had a financial motivation to minimize the conflict and get it signed off as just an appearance of one. 

      Attorney Lynch and her colleague Jim Soucy at the same time didn't bother to spend the 30 to 40 minutes of their time it would have taken to review official meeting minutes from the town of Haverhill that would have shown them no actual waiver vote occurred at a public hearing. Soucy and his colleague Lynch cannot escape from under the storm of legal controversy coming their way. The fact that both of these liability attorneys allowed Hawkins' clearly opinionated statements of alleged fact into a sworn affidavit is absolutely mind boggling. 

    Hawkins never met Attorney Roth, never spoke to Roth, and never really had extensive communications in writing with Roth. Hawkins just clung to one single email to justify that his firm--and his firm only--was the catalyst to getting the tax rate set in town. It was a fairly generic email informing DTC attorneys that the rates would be set. It did not assign credit to anyone for the resolution of the controversy at the time. 

       A subsequent letter sent by Roth also played a starring role at the hearing. Kline insisted the real significance of the Roth letter (which Roth's own new affidavit verifies), is that Roth outlines the behavior of DTC on the tax rate issue was the worst he's witnessed in his whole three-decade history of practicing law. That's not just calling out minor misconduct. That's red flagging some very concerning patterns of legal abuse.  

      Hawkins also uses his own ridiculously self-serving affidavit to insist that Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington could not have had any material impact on the DRA setting the tax rate issue because she didn't face as much risk as DTC did. Way to fire a shotgun at both your feet, Hawkins. This is a guy who told the board members in writing that Warmington "moved Heaven and Earth" to resolve the tax rate issue and encouraged them to thank her. 

       The Hawkins conflict is so severe that his sworn statement is chock full of delusional thoughts he hopes to confirm as undeniable facts. This kind of legal circus should not be allowed to play out much longer with DTC's current counsel putting their wholehearted stamp of approval on facts not in evidence and unproven allegations. Lynch even tried to score points with the judge by pointing out Hawkins had a post on a state ethics board and held government positions of his own in Newmarket, New Hampshire. 

       These facts all actually shed a seriously bad light on DTC's case, and there's no other way to honestly describe them. Those skills and qualifications only show Hawkins should have known better than to let a supposedly legitimate municipal client operate under such secretive conditions, making key decisions away from the public eye and the Town Manager in un-noticed, unrecorded non-meetings. 

      It is hard to pick a point of law or fact from Lynch's argument and conclude that her sales pitch proves we need a trial here. She actually encouraged the judge to only look at certain exhibits and elements of her own client's statement of material facts to decide the case. She literally told him to "cut the fat." Her theory is that we didn't need all these facts and exhibits and sworn statements to decide the case. It follows a pattern of the firm's current counsel continually wanting to put the entire case out of context, on purpose, by design. "We're the poor little lamb here, your honor" was the gist of Lynch's whole case to get the judge to absolve DTC of all of the town's claims alleged against them.  

      Lynch repeatedly attempted to hang her hopes on the "ratification" vote by the board attempting to legally hire DTC, which the Town Manager advised them to carry out. However, that vote is meaningless without a corresponding or prior vote of a quorum of the board at a public meeting that never happened. Codling had been lied to about DTC's conflict already being waived. The supposed conflict discussion and supposedly valid decision to waive conflict allegedly took place at an un-noticed, un-recorded, non-public non-meeting. There was not even a non-public session vote at a public meeting here. It is the very definition of a shadow government if that "legal consultation" session with a town board could be allowed to include a formal decision and action by the entire town to waive the conflict or "potential conflict" here. 

      This is deception 101 bullshit by Lynch. If you want the judge to be distracted away from the facts, you re-frame the facts to sway in your direction. You say one thing happened that makes you look good but forget to mention another thing happened 24 hours later that contradicted the first thing that happened. It would be comical if it wasn't creating such a tsunami of costs just to get here on the brink of potential accountability for a rogue select board working with a severely conflicted attorney. 

     The nerve of DTC's current counsel to ask for attorneys fees under the circumstances is another dog and pony show being played on the court. Each new document DTC's counsel produces for this case creates a new current of evidence proving that these attorneys have not adequately researched the facts of this case or the presiding legal background regarding conflicts on both sides of a municipal attorney/client relationship. The latest attorneys have simply done what their own clients did so dutifully for the conflicted Haverhill board: listened to each explanation and direction their clients gave them and took it as gospel. 

      All attorneys involved in trying to defend such piss-poor behavior by purportedly experienced and ethical municipal litigants put their own public stamp of approval on the kind of outlandish and obvious misconduct that occurred in this case. It's a systemic issue illustrated here where some lawyers seem all too intent to protect the entire greater community of attorneys by trying to make the worst rotten apples appear ripe and delicious. 

      As the saying goes, one rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel. The spoilage of the entire class of attorneys here is self-inflicted by these overprotective and misguided practitioners who seem to think the profession is better off with all the bad apples staying put. Therefore, these bad actors in the legal system get a free pass to spread the pestilence of severe misconduct throughout the ranks of their colleagues. Misconduct then becomes normalized and sometimes even encouraged. This is why society as a whole tends to harbor an incredible lack of trust in the average attorney working within such a poisoned system.

      DTC's defense is meritless, and it is wholly obvious the firm is clinging to lies to further their arguments. Worse, they are willfully embarking on this legal circus of a strategy before a court of law that is supposed to frown upon such perjurious behavior. Had DTC's current counsel researched the facts and background adequately, they could have detected the lies their clients told them. They never did. Lawyers are simply not supposed to believe everything their clients tell them and not bound to follow every instruction their clients give with no concern for ethics or efficacy. 

      If on occasion a client tells a lawyer to do something outside the scope of responsible representation under the rules and the law, an objective lawyer should be willing to provide expert guidance and advice from a legal perspective so the client can avoid any impropriety. Here, DTC attorneys willfully pursued impropriety as a legal strategy: up to and including trying to threaten a public agency (the DRA) with a wide variety of plainly frivolous lawsuits it never even had the authority to pursue or any hopes to get the town to pay for if the DRA ever called their bluff. It's pretty irresponsibly bold behavior under the circumstances. DTC plainly admits they were going out of their way to hide much of their supposed "work" for the town from both the town manager and her assistant. This was at the direction of their clients. Yet, rather than showing beyond the shadow of any doubt that those directions were legally defensible, Lynch harped on the fact that her clients followed those directions. 

        Lynch preached her case for the judge, as if this was some kind of exemplary legal conduct to believe the bullshit any client tells you and not independently investigate any claims made to you by said client. She even referred to Kline at one point as "my brother." Her sermon even made the bailiffs bored. Her words were hollow and her tone was desperate, almost asking for mercy instead of demanding justice. She twisted the facts like a clown at a child's birthday party making balloon animals. 

       "Don't worry about the truth, your honor, here's a giraffe I made you," could have been Attorney Lynch's closing line at the hearing. 

        Tellingly, the only true fan of the Lynch Legal Circus in attendance on Monday was Paul Kidder. He happens to be a Woodsville commissioner. Notably absent were Attorney Christopher Hawkins, Attorney Eric Maher and Attorney Christopher Boldt. There was actually no representative of DTC on site for the hearing other than Lynch. Lynch's own colleague Attorney James L. Soucy didn't even accompany her to the courtroom. The facts didn't show up for her either. 

      Attorney Lynch also insisted that the vote to give Codling authority over all legal matters regarding Woodsville did not cover the DRA tax rate issue. She neglected to confront the fact that Haverhill Select Board Member Kevin Knapp attempted to modify or revoke the town manager's authority and failed. She insisted the town was arguing that such given authority cannot be revoked. On the contrary, Kline argued effectively that state law requires a vote to give and take away authority assigned to a town manager in such scenarios. While Lynch keeps insisting the board could act "at any time" to revoke authority, Kline demonstrated beyond the shadow of any doubt that any revocation or modification of that authority conferred by vote would have to be revoked by vote. Also key here is that there is no evidence produced by DTC's current counsel to show that the board ever informed Codling her authority had been revoked. There is no public record of any communications sent to Codling by anyone telling her she was no longer handling all legal matters related to Woodsville.  

      The other side of the courtroom at the summary judgment hearing featured a full assortment of concerned Haverhill citizens, including multiple current town select board members. 

      DTC attorneys were so intent to take credit for the resolution of the tax rate issue, they invented their own alternative facts to prove they somehow actually deserved it. Former US Secretary of State George C. Marshall once said, "There's no limit to the good you can do if you don't care who gets the credit." The Roth affidavit closes the book on who deserved credit, the firm that never jumped up and down to demand it. 

      The judge only asked one ominous question toward the end of the hearing and addressed it to Lynch: "Are you agreeing that there was no public session proving the contract with your client?" 

      Lynch danced around the question, trying to get the judge to focus on a supposed "ratification" vote that did not ever suggest any conflict waiver vote carried at the same public hearing. 

      Lynch made her only effective points when discussing arbitration, which she insisted DTC was not eligible for under the circumstances. She also proposed the judge could potentially send the parties to arbitration if he decided that would be appropriate. 

      One remark stood out from Lynch's disjointed argument where she described attorneys having to "jump through a series of unknown, hidden hoops" to be hired. Those hoops are called laws and rules, dear. It is your job as an attorney to know them, follow them, and encourage your clients to follow them. Instead, DTC let the board tell them what to do and how to do it, and they still vociferously argue that this was proper execution of their legal duties. The attorneys are supposed to advise their clients. Here the client advised the attorneys in the original situation and the one unfolding now in court. It's as if the misconduct here is contagious and passed directly from DTC to Lynch's liability law outfit. Lynch went out of her way to prove undoubtedly that the Board of Selectmen was the true client, basically admitting the client was never the entire town. The case of DTC continuously and brazenly continues to contradict itself. Their own evidence and testimony is fatal to their case.     

     Kline correctly focused on "the integrity of the people's government" in his compelling argument. Do we want open, transparent and citizen-run government in New Hampshire? Or, do we want all boards of selectmen in this state to be able to operate shadow governments as DTC attorneys seem to be lobbying for here? Do we want to repeal and rescind RSA 91A in this state or continue to follow it closely and carefully? 

      The decision comes down to who brings the preponderance of evidence to the table to support their position. The law and the facts weigh most in favor with the Town's position here. DTC is defending bad behavior and tries to make the argument that DTC attorneys committing misconduct was actually a great example of decent legal work. Lynch even referred to the DRA and Attorney Roth as "an opponent" and an "adversary" at the September 30th hearing. The correct tone to take with the DRA was not aggressive, adversarial and obnoxious. It was ultimately cool and calculated cooperation that fixed the tax rate issue. The DRA is a state agency with a wide scope of authority. It should not be any municipality's "opponent" or "adversary" under ideal circumstances. DTC attorneys created a heightened level of tension between the town of Haverhill and the DRA and leveled baseless threats at a state agency's representatives, allegedly with the blessing of the town as a whole. There's no better way for an attorney to sow seeds of distrust between the town and the DRA. 

        DTC was out of bounds at all times in allowing Attorney Hawkins to take such a central role in this case. The most prudent thing for him to do would have been to let the other attorneys at his firm handle the issue if he wanted to keep it in house. Rather than have no involvement, Hawkins billed heavily for his "work." He lobbied his colleagues for "origination credit" on the overall billing. The firm had the invoices sent to the personal home of Steve Robbins, a heavily conflicted select board member. The dominoes are all lined up to fall against DTC, and their current attorneys aren't looking like the sharpest tools in the legal shed. It is a constant cycle of defending lies and misinterpretations of the facts and the law to try to desperately support a broken case. This pattern runs through both DTC's allegedly legitimate attorney/client relationship with the conflicted board and Soucy and Lynch's defense of DTC's worst transgressions. 

       Former Haverhill Select Board Member Howard Hatch was in attendance for the hearing, a man who spent decades on the town's budget committee and watched the Haverhill vs. Woodsville funding feud develop over the last 40 years. He felt the town did "pretty well" at the hearing. He also recalled the constant struggle to get answers and accounting from Woodsville when he served in town leadership. "There was no transparency," he said. "We'd ask about costs and it was always, 'None of your business.'"

      Now the latest episode of a legal soap opera and escalating funding feud between these two municipalities is the court's business. A bloodless coup is either deemed cool or no bueno by the state's powers that be. Judge MacLeod may have a lot of facts to review, but they all align with the true context of what happened in this case. It is secrecy and deception versus open meeting honesty and transparency here. What kind of design do we want our governments observing? 

       It is not so overly complicated when you look at it. Going against attorneys is always tough to do in a court of law. The town is coming in with facts upon facts, the timeline of events all lined up properly, and the law squarely in their corner. It takes a heavy burden to put a scarlet letter on a lawyer in today's legal system and make it stick. The country club mentality of the profession often encourages protecting and insulating the bad actors among bar card carrying members instead of exacting accountability from them. Many lawyers would not even entertain such a case due to the "friendly fire" implications. If the judge cares as much about integrity as the town counsel does, there's hope for New Hampshire's future. 

     Meanwhile, DTC's defense is continuing bad behavior to attempt to convince the court to somehow see DTC's interaction with the board as a legitimate process by which a town's select board can legally hire attorneys and law firms for the entire town in a town manager form of government. It's a comedy of errors and a tragedy of misunderstanding all around. 

     There is a new culture of lawyers who seem to believe that the client's story is sacred and should not be questioned, double-checked or verified through any earnest effort. In other words, they want law firms to be able to assume they are hired from a phone call or an email about a supposedly valid open meeting vote by a town board to hire them. The record of such a vote not existing shouldn't matter if the communication is there, essentially. DTC's defensive approach contends the law protects them from failing to complete their own due diligence fact checking because they dutifully took their client's word for everything. 

      DTC's counsel stubbornly continues to stand by wholly indefensible "legal" concepts and fact patterns that only make their clients' conduct look more suspect rather than less so. It is hard to believe any judge would continue this terrible cycle and consider DTC's case arguments as gospel. Justice is served only if open meeting rules really matter and are taken seriously by New Hampshire's state courts. New Hampshire's whole political and legal landscape could change depending on the outcome of this case. 

     Please take some time to listen to the hearing and let us know your thoughts in the comment section.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Woodsville's Wandering Road of Lies May Signal a Long Goodbye to Everything Good

 "When you tell one lie, it leads to another

So you tell two lies to cover each other

Then you tell three lies, and oh, brother

By: Rich Bergeron

     The ongoing litigation between Donahue Tucker and Ciandella (DTC) attorneys and the Town of Haverhill is pressing forward toward a summary judgment hearing scheduled for September 30, 2024. Both sides have filed their own summary judgment requests hoping to end the case before trial. However, it is clear the DTC defense is primarily designed to drown the town of Haverhill in a flood of ridiculously overblown and useless financial costs. It’s hard to believe the attorneys representing DTC could ever win on the facts and the merits involved.  

     The cancerous dual conflict featuring unclean hands on both sides of the DTC/Board of Selectmen attorney-client relationship we had here created a perfect storm of political and legal misconduct. The egregious legal misconduct continues unabated as the most recent paperwork from DTC attorneys proves the firm’s current counsel is too lazy to double check their clients' claims while those DTC clients are now doubling down on proven lies. We will break down all those lies and mischaracterizations in this piece.

      The lack of due diligence by DTC attorneys and their current counsel is truly indefensible. The timeline of events encompassing the behavior that gave rise to this lawsuit is full of instances in which the original DTC attorneys obviously performed no real research into even the most basic rules, regulations and legal principles governing the Haverhill Board of Selectmen. Their current counsel performed no better in investigating the real background and facts of this current case

      The Haverhill Select Board Standard Operating Procedures provide board members clear direction and instruction on how that board is supposed to operate: 

     The SOP is the first and most crucial document DTC attorneys should have examined thoroughly before proceeding to represent the Haverhill Board of Selectmen without a duly authorized written agreement or appropriate public vote to waive the "potential" conflict of Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella Attorney Christopher Hawkins. It's clear that Hawkins and his colleagues either completely ignored the SOP or neglected to ever read and analyze the document properly. 

DTC Attorney Christopher Hawkins

     The failure of Hawkins to get his ducks in a row on this subject is particularly concerning since he leads off his latest affidavit in support of this case by pointing out all the municipal political experience he has in his own hometown of Newmarket.  "Since 2000, I have held many elected and appointed positions in the Town of Newmarket, including the Town Council, School Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Newmarket Charter Commission, Newmarket Tomorrow Committee, and the Recreation Master Plan Committee," Hawkins testifies. "I have served as the Newmarket Town and School District Moderator since 2014."

      Hawkins also touts his professional experience on the very first page of the same affidavit, highlighting his ethical chops specifically: 

Hawkins Affidavit, page one

       Hawkins was also a former legal representative of the Woodsville Fire District and a man who readily admits to being referred to the board by none other than Woodsville District Administrator Kevin Shelton. 

Woodsville District Administrator Kevin Shelton

     If it's not bad enough that Hawkins and his colleagues were not so good at their jobs here, Attorney Jim Soucy (current DTC lead counsel) is absolutely off his rocker to ask for sanctions against the town’s current attorney. Soucy’s complete and utter failure to confront the documented facts of this case is what truly deserves sanctions. He and his colleagues handling this case should be subject to a detailed complaint to the NH Attorney Discipline System. Their lackluster approach to DTC's defense and their failure to investigate and properly account for the true facts of this case violates multiple tenets of the Rules of Professional Conduct for NH Attorneys

      The facts and exhibits presented by the town in this case show without a doubt that the original DTC attorneys were supposed to be well-versed in municipal law and ethics (which the two primary attorneys Eric Maher and Christopher Hawkins both testify to in their respective sworn affidavits). Yet, knowing Haverhill was a Town Manager form of government, these two well-trained attorneys presented themselves, their secretive services and their supposed contributions primarily to the Haverhill Board of Selectmen. By taking this approach, they purposely ostracized a crucial cog in Town leadership, and they still seem to think they were justified to do so. 

       The DTC attorneys involved here were easily deceived and double-crossed by the conflicted board members involved. These same attorneys were also self-defeated by their severe, pronounced bias at the same time. They were lulled into taking their clients' representations as gospel, because those clients actually secretly wanted the conflict. They needed the conflict. 

     Attorney Hawkins admits above that the firm's clients were the board itself. DTC's new attorneys only now try to scream from the rooftops in legal documents that their client was really "The Town of Haverhill." It's written in plain English above: "The Board is the Client; not the Town Manager." Hawkins himself wrote that and sent it to a private Gmail account set up to allow the conflicted Select Board members to communicate with the DTC attorneys outside the bounds of their own official town email addresses.

       The board blatantly lied from the jump about their authority to even be able to hire DTC in the first place. Attorney Hawkins and his Colleague Attorney Maher fell for every falsehood the board duped them with and never did any effective investigation into the vote to give the town manager authority over all of the town's legal affairs with Woodsville: 

      It was not the same board who hired DTC that made and carried this motion. I witnessed personally the subsequent conflicted board's lack of knowledge about correct processes and procedures by watching years of publicly accessible Select Board Meeting videos on the town's Web-site. Town Manager Codling repeatedly had to remind board members of the correct way to cast votes and proceed through meetings. This is why she ultimately instructed them that they had to "ratify" the DTC retention with a more detailed public vote. The fact that the board took her advice is crucial to this case. 

     The fact is, any formulation of any municipal board would be out of line to carry out this kind of rogue legal agenda without any requisite knowledge of the correct process of hiring attorneys, dealing with law firms, and handling employment contracts in general. This board in particular had no clue what they were really doing or how to do it right, but they negligently attempted to do it anyway, and they strung the DTC attorneys along to take the blame when the shit hit the fan for their royally fucking up the process. Both the attorneys involved and the conflicted board members obviously didn't bother to research and follow the law on conflict, either. 

      Attorney Hawkins admitted repeatedly in his own affidavit that Board Member Kevin Knapp effectively deceived him into thinking he represented the entire Haverhill Board of Selectmen. Knapp later admitted under public questioning from Former Board Member Matt Bjelobrk that "there was never supposed to be a bill" for Hawkins advising him at the time as a "private citizen." 

Hawkins Affidavit, page 3

Hawkins Affidavit, page 4

      You know how the saying goes. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you, but the third time was the charm for Hawkins and his DTC colleagues:

Hawkins Affidavit, page 5

     Hawkins inferred from an email overflowing with falsehoods from one sole member of the board that "the Town" had effectively retained his firm. The correct municipal process for retaining attorneys would ideally require an adequate public vote to hire DTC, a written retention agreement signed by all appropriate authorities on both sides of the contract, a valid public vote to waive the conflict, and the direct inclusion of the Town Manager over the entirety of the attorney/client relationship. (in alignment with the board's prior vote to give Codling "full authority over legal matters related to the Woodsville Precinct, its commissions, and enterprises.") 

       Hawkins just listened to what Knapp told him at the time and never lifted a finger to verify the alleged vote by checking meeting minutes or reviewing the hearing video. Additionally, Hawkins' co-counsel at DTC admits to not even thinking to check or verify that the alleged viable retention vote went exactly as Knapp described. 

      DTC Attorney Eric Maher had his own comical excuse for being a loyal parishioner dedicated to the gospel of Kevin Knapp and his conflicted colleagues on the Haverhill Select Board:

Attorney Eric Maher Affidavit, page 11

         Board Member Kevin Knapp was certainly aware of the vote he never told Attorney Maher about. He tried to revoke that directive on April 25, 2022:

Haverhill Select Board Meeting Minutes from April 25, 2020

       DTC's current counsel lies repeatedly and extremely unartfully about this reality by continuously pointing to statutory language providing instruction that the Town Manager serves "at the direction" of the board. Yet, how can these same attorneys not see what is right in front of their faces? The public vote by the board to delegate authority to Codling IS direction. It is documented, procedurally proper direction. Since there was a formal vote to give it, it follows that there needed to be a formal vote to rescind it. Knapp tried to accomplish one and failed. 

      It is completely delusional of DTC’s counsel in this case to keep pointing to the State of New Hampshire’s RSA governing the responsibilities of the Town Manager (Chapter 37 TOWN OR VILLAGE DISTRICT MANAGERS ( as if it helps their case. These arguments are continuously presented in DTC's defense as if the board members could take charge "at any time." That approach is reflective of a complete lack of understanding by DTC Attorneys and their current counsel of the very statute they all claim to be relevant to their claims. 

     The top line of Section 37:6 of the above-linked statute qualifies each corresponding tenet of the law with the pre-amble: “The town manager shall have the power and it shall be his duty:”

The ACTUAL bottom line of the same section is as follows:

IX. To perform such other duties, consistent with his office, as may be required of him by vote of the selectmen. (Emphasis Added)

     A Town Manager carrying out responsibilities given to her by way of a public Board of Selectmen vote is certainly considered following direction from the Board of Selectmen by all concepts of local law and basic logic. These attorneys from DTC, a proud municipal law firm in this state representing multiple towns and cities, somehow had no grasp or any ability to get a good working understanding of how selectmen regularly delegate their authority to Town Managers to ensure the seamless execution of government business. This shows how powerfully disruptive and distracting a conflict of interest can really be in such circumstances. 

      The current counsel for DTC also basically admitted in his own deposition questioning of Jennifer Boucher that he really knew very little about even the most mundane aspects of how bills were paid in a Town Manager form of government. Boucher basically had to educate Attorney Jim Soucy on the subject. Boucher also had to break the news that neither she, nor Town Manager Brigitte Codling were directly responsible for rejecting DTC’s billing invoices. It was a new board who decided to forego payment to DTC for the old board's questionable retention of the firm. The bills were not even sent to an official town address until after the most corrupted board member involved in DTC’s hiring lost his re-election bid.  Longtime Woodsville Fire District Employee Steve Robbins signed all the documentation notarizing and certifying DTC’s supposedly authorized work for the entire town. Yet, for some odd reason he had all the law firm’s bills sent to his own home address until the town’s voters decided he wasn’t going to be a selectman anymore. And DTC's current counsel still tries to tell the judge in this case with a straight face that DTC was working for The Town of Haverhill. 

      There was also never any correctly pursued effort by the board to vote again on Codling's authority at any other subsequent public board meeting, even while the board was full of conflicted members secretly embracing the conflict of Attorney Hawkins. The above-referenced statements made by unconflicted board members like Bjelobrk are essential to keep in perspective. Rather than be in full control of all these legal scenarios, Bjelobrk pointed out that Codling was "the point of contact." She was responsible for communicating with the attorneys and handling contractual issues. The board just made the final decisions on cases and major legal issues that required their ultimate approval. Essentially, this belies the infinite beauty of a Town Manager form of government and all the glorious checks and balances that make it a perfect political mechanism of municipal administration. The board cannot possibly be justified in going rogue and trying to take full control of such issues under these circumstances. The fact is, the political system in Haverhill is designed for both the Town Manager and the board to work TOGETHER at all times on all serious legal matters impacting the town. 

     Another exhibit filed by DTC attorneys recently shows just how much of a flaming hypocrite Former Board Chairman Steve Robbins really was by attempting to exclude The Town Manager from discussions between the Board and DTC attorneys, even those discussions not in any way related to her employment/personnel issues. The exhibit is one DTC somehow claims to be favorable to their arguments. It is an email chain between Robbins and Codling and the rest of the board members. 

      Robbins admits: "All communication needs to be shared with all parties' real time."

   "There are essentially 7 of us," Robbins also admits (There are only 5 board members). His sentiment reflects the inherent need for the Board as a whole to coordinate their efforts with Town Administration and ensure the two governing bodies cooperate efficiently and symbiotically. It defines the appropriate way any Town Manager form of government should naturally operate. 

    How can DTC attorneys reconcile these bold, undeniable statements as supportive of their case? As they say in all the best infomercials: "But, wait, there's more!" 

     That is perhaps the most succinct statement Steve Robbins ever made about the importance of doing things correctly, efficiently and by the book with the tax rate debacle. " we handle this will dictate the future of our town, and how we are seen as a group and individuals," he wrote. It turns out how the board ultimately handled these matters so sloppily and unprofessionally essentially dictated the need for the town to file and press the current case in dispute. The word "we" is persistent throughout these paragraphs and reflects an inclusive attitude toward the town manager that didn't quite mirror the behind-the-scenes reality Robbins was living at the time. 

       Robbins was directing DTC attorneys to exclude Codling from all legal discussions while singing a different tune entirely to Codling herself about the board's need to act collectively with her to solve the tax rate problem. The hypocrisy is astounding.  

      DTC Attorney Hawkins represented throughout his own testimony that his "potential conflict" was narrowly constrained to his participation in the "Woodsville litigation." Again, reality contradicts that claim and his true work history with Woodsville betrays a more pronounced general counsel role he carried out for the district. Hawkins was happy to even serve as a glorified bill collector for his friends in government over in Woodsville:

      Hawkins was clearly a direct rival of Haverhill Town Manager Brigitte Codling in the ambulance service billing dispute. His tone in the demand letter is both adversarial and overtly threatening. Even after Hawkins stopped working for Woodsville, he kept himself updated on the very "Woodsville litigation" he tried to distance himself from in describing how it was proper for him to later work for the Town of Haverhill. An email he sent to Kevin Shelton in August of 2022 says it all: 

      The mini-pep-talk at the end is the real smoking gun aspect of this dispatch. Hawkins obviously had more than an attorney/client relationship with Shelton and a deep, personal disdain for Codling. This explains why Hawkins was so willing to step in to help Haverhill Select Board members attempt to oust Codling. This is certainly a textbook instance of why conflicts of interest like this should always be avoided by attorneys. This situation is only compounded exponentially when there is a severe conflict on both sides of the attorney/client relationship. 

     Rules for board members of any kind in any municipality within NH require conflicted members to not only abstain from voting, but they are also required to refrain from even publicly discussing the conflicted issue at meetings. They must in all cases remove themselves from the discussion of such issues and sit in the audience. Robbins’ employment by the very entity the tax rate setting would have a material financial impact on is completely relevant and crucial to deciding this case. The fact that voters were aware of Robbins being employed by Woodsville does not exempt him from his duties to step down from any official role as a Haverhill Board Member in all discussions and decisions related in particular to Woodsville’s fire department or the Woodsville Fire District, his direct employer at the time he served on the board.

     Legal precedent cases also suggest that a financial conflict involved in official municipality board votes is the chief concern. There could be no quorum of board members supporting any action by the board to hire or retain DTC due to the severe financial conflicts Board Chair Steve Robbins and Board Member Kevin Knapp brought to the table that disqualified them from participating. They were both at the time personally employed by the Woodsville Fire District while they were discussing and voting on issues that would materially impact Woodsville and potentially the employment of a primary district rival (Brigitte Codling) standing in the way of future Woodsville funding. 

           In Quinlan v. City of Dover, 136 N.H. 226 (1992), a New Hampshire Court held that in a legislative context, the mere fact that a city councilor has spoken out on one side of an issue in advance (“prejudgment”) does not disqualify him/her from voting on that issue. The Court repeated its statement from Michael v. City of Rochester, 119 N.H. 734 (1979), however, that a financial conflict-of-interest would void the vote if it determined the outcome.  

     As a general rule, a court will find that there is a conflict of interest when a public officer is involved in a matter in which he has a direct personal and pecuniary interest. See Preston v. Gillam, 104 N.H. 279 (1962)). And a court will overturn a board’s decision if a disqualified person participated, whether or not he or she influenced the outcome. See Appeal of Keene, 141 N.H. 797 (1997); Winslow v. Holderness Planning Board, 125 N.H. 262 (1984).

      All this legal support is aside from the fact that the alleged initial vote to hire DTC for personnel matters admittedly took place entirely in a non-public session of the board. No published meeting minutes reflect any such vote took place. When a quorum of a public body is convened to discuss or act upon matters within its jurisdiction, open-meeting requirements apply. See RSA 91-A:2. 

      Even the process of the conflicted board waiving the conflict of interest is in serious question. Not only was no public vote ever accomplished by the board to waive the DTC conflict, no public vote was ever even attempted to allow Board Member Steve Robbins to sign all the retention paperwork and the written conflict waiver on behalf of the entire board. 

     A governmental entity is held to a different standard when approving a written waiver since the public interest is involved. Guthrie Air v. Genesee County, N.Y., 597 F.Supp.1097, 1098 (W.D.N.Y. 1984)(“a municipality may not consent to adverse representation if the public interest is involved.”); RTC v. Fid. And Deposit Co. of Md., 1997 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22177, at *11 D.N.J. 1997)(noting a public entity may not be allowed to waive conflict). If the governing body is attempting to waive the conflict, it must take formal action to make such a decision to do so. Norton v. Town of Islip, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 52961, at *8-9 (E.D.N.Y. 2007). 

     It is not enough for one Selectman to sign a conflict waiver unless formal action is taken giving that Selectman such authority. In Moulton v. Beals, the New Hampshire SupremeCourt held: “[S]electmen have not been regarded as special agents of the Town, ‘clothed with the general powers of the corporate body for which they act’. They can only exercise such powers and perform such duties as are properly incident to the special and limited authority conferred on them by their office. They are empowered to do only such acts as are required to meet the exigencies of ordinary town business. Moulton v. Beals, 98 N.H. 461, 463 (1954). It was ordinary town business to let Codling and Boucher handle all the town's employment contracts. Why did the board alone feel the need to take charge of this one? 

       Codling’s authority to handle legal hiring and law firm retention for the town was never dependent on whether or not the tax rate issue was related to the WFD litigation. It is completely irrelevant to conflate the two issues as dependent. The fact is, Codling was responsible for hiring legal personnel to handle all issues related in any way to Woodsville and on top of that, she handled at least some small part of the process for all town counsel hiring. The tax rate setting issue was no doubt directly related to warrant articles defining funding for two Woodsville municipal entities/departments.

        The relationship of this situation to the WFD litigation is only relevant in consideration of the conflict of interest Attorney Hawkins repeatedly minimized and downplayed in his relentless and personal pursuit to represent Haverhill’s Board of Selectmen. This supposed valid representation primarily and admittedly supported an effort to help corrupted board members terminate Codling’s position as Town Manager. Whether or not DTC took a position on the warrant articles or not, the warrant articles were related to Woodsville and the tax rate setting in particular. Therefore, it was Codling’s authority to handle the hiring and retention of legal counsel on the tax rate issue.

      The board members were not qualified or experienced in hiring legal counsel for themselves or the town, and it seems their attorneys were not adept at teaching them the ropes of the correct procedural process. In the event the personnel issue made it difficult for Codling to handle her own employment matters, Boucher testified that she would normally take over the hiring and retention of a firm specializing in employment issues for any issue related to the Town Manager’s contract or performance evaluation. Boucher also testified that the town was already engaged with Mitchell Municipal Group and had an attorney available from that firm for handling of such personnel issues at the time. The supposed contributions of DTC were always duplicative and ineffective on the "personnel" front. 

      The board’s intense secrecy and avoidance of Codling and Boucher during DTC’s supposed term of retention belied an unholy set of motives for using Attorney Hawkins. It does not help the situation that Hawkins was only brought in to work with the Haverhill Board of Selectmen upon the recommendation of Woodsville Administrator Kevin Shelton.

      Brigitte Codling's and Jennifer Boucher’s detailed testimony proves they had much more knowledge and experience as to how to execute the overall processes of hiring employees in general and retaining legal counsel on behalf of the town properly. Codling and Boucher both also played a vital role in all of the other contracts Haverhill engaged in with all town employees. This is yet another reason that it is unacceptable that the board secretly “hired” DTC and instructed them not to contact Codling or Boucher at all about the “personnel” matter or the DRA tax rate delay. 

      If conflict was not driving these folks on both sides of the alleged attorney-client relationship, they might have done better at following the law and the standard procedures for their professions. New Hampshire has a unique standard that “when a disinterested lawyer would conclude that the client should not agree to the representation” the conflict cannot be consented-to. In re Boyle’s Case, 611 A.2d 618, 619-620 (N.H. 1992). Clearly there was at least one attorney at DTC who could have taken over for Hawkins to avoid such a conflict, but Hawkins was personally and financially motivated to embrace the conflict instead of avoiding it. So was the board, as Kevin Knapp stated in his own deposition that he never thought to find an attorney who did not have a conflict: 

       The representation of Haverhill by Drummond Woodsum (DW) in the "Woodsville Litigation" is key here due to Hawkins having a clear personal rivalry with that firm, evidenced by emails Hawkins himself provided as work product. Drummond Woodsum also effectively represented the town in the tax rate matter. The DRA’s own official letter about the end of the tax rate delay credited the DW firm for their work and specifically criticized DTC attorneys. 

      Conflicts were involved in all corners of DTC's involvement due to Hawkins taking point on this case. Hawkins was trying to work for the adversary he faced in a prior case, effectively working against or around the same firm that rivaled him in that case. It was essentially a race to get results that DTC would end up losing. There were far too many personal feelings involved that should have disqualified Hawkins from ever getting involved as an attorney for any Haverhill government official, never mind the whole town. This was especially true in matters targeting Codling, a town employee Hawkins openly confessed to wanting to get “burned” in the settlement of the prior litigation he was heavily involved in. Even after all the allegations of impropriety the board and Hawkins spout about Codling, they did not advise the board to seek her termination in the end.  

     The Woodsville warrant articles being denied by the DRA is what led to this litigation. It is clearly the impetus for the tax rate issue (due to Woodsville’s appeal of the DRA denial), which DTC purported to be working on for HAVERHILL. The evidence shows that DTC attorneys did not actually have any impact on resolving the tax rate issue and were actually using the tax rate issue as more of a diversion to somehow accomplish the removal of Codling from office, which they also did nothing to further for the corrupted board. The DRA itself more than acknowledged that DTC attorneys hampered the tax rate issue rather than helping it. 

     DRA Revenue Counsel Peter Roth wrote a letter to DTC attorneys on January 23, 2023 memorializing the agency's perspective on DTC's overzealous approach to the tax rate matter. It was a formal response to a needlessly scathing letter DTC attorneys previously drafted to the DRA in which they basically threatened to sue the government agency for every unfilled pothole in town and every other possible negative contingency of the tax rate delay. Roth fired back in his own letter, explaining the DRA was already in the final phases of moving forward to set the town's tax rates when they received DTC's demanding missive. Roth further informed DTC attorneys that their letter arrived at the agency an hour AFTER his last conversation with a Drummond Woodsum lawyer working on behalf of the town to constructively handle the problem. Roth also clearly stated that he recognized Drummond Woodsum as official "town counsel" in the matter. Finally, he added:

      If it's not bad enough that DTC attorneys wrote and championed such an excessive series of frivolous threats and demands against a state agency, these same attorneys subsequently interpreted this response from the DRA as proof their "overly aggressive" tactics actually worked. The working theory of these delusional DTC attorneys is that Roth must have been raked over the coals by his superiors in government and was just looking for someone else to unleash his frustrations on. The problem with that kind of logic is there's zero proof to back it up. Still, Hawkins claimed in his latest affidavit: 

Hawkins Affidavit, Page 16

      This is a textbook example of piss poor legal work considering an affidavit is not the place for speculative rambling and informing the court of one's opinion. It is a document that is supposed to plainly list the uncontroverted facts a particular witness knows to be true. Because Hawkins cannot actually testify FOR Roth, he obviously tries to analyze and characterize Roth's sentiments in a light most favorable to him and his firm. It falls flat and feels a lot like the pot calling the kettle black. Roth's letter is by no means threatening, while DTC's letter to the DRA contained a long list of baseless threats to engage in litigation if the rates were not immediately set. And the only thing DTC was responsible for "exposing" here was their own incompetence in taking a tactless approach to a problem that called for much more constructive behavior. 

       This is all aside from the fact that the same affidavit features Hawkins admitting: 

      Hawkins even goes on to psychoanalyze Roth's potential real motive for writing the letter when he speculates: "...the root cause of Attorney Roth's apparent anger, whether known to him or not, was that he had been misled and manipulated by Ms. Codling." Nowhere in this affidavit does Hawkins claim to be an expert in psychology qualified enough to extract such a nuanced conclusion from such straightforward writing. He's really trying to go deep into Roth's subconscious mind there as if he's an all-knowing psychic. 

     Later in the same affidavit, Hawkins described how he had the conflicted board members he was working with at the time drinking from the same jug of Kool Aid that caused his delusional thinking: 

Hawkins Affidavit, page 17

       There was nothing "unbalanced" about Roth's response at all. Under the circumstances, Roth was very calm, collected and succinct in his characterization of DTC's "theatrics." It's a perfect word to describe the way Hawkins and his colleagues acted. They are still "acting" to make their behavior appear justified in a situation where their egregiously disrespectful approach severely discredited themselves and the firm they work for. Rather than apologize for their needless aggression, they choose to double down on it and try to bumble through an explanation of why the situation at hand actually called for that insane level of belligerence. Rather than pretend to be psychiatrists, I think these buffoons might need to hire a real one of their own to help them figure out what their major malfunction is. 

      Hawkins isn't the only one involved who attempted to analyze Roth's thought process in criticizing DTC's ridiculous demand letter. Kevin Knapp, under questioning by Town Counsel at his deposition, put it pretty bluntly when he provided his own speculation about Roth's psyche: 

Knapp Deposition, page 102

      Knapp uses an interesting word here as well: "bullying." Only a pompous attorney with a severely over-inflated ego would assume it was a good idea to try to intimidate such a powerful state agency. Hawkins definitely fits that bill. This space cadet of a solicitor even tried to retract the recognition he gave to Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington for solving the tax rate issue when he actually forwarded a press release from her campaign staff where she took full credit for ending the rate setting delay

           “Please see below FYI a press release issued by Executive Councilor Warmington. It looks reasonably accurate based upon our experience working with her,” wrote Hawkins in the forwarding email. Hawkins also told the same board members in writing that Warmington "moved Heaven and Earth to champion the town's interests" to accomplish the resolution of the rate setting delay.  

      Yet, these days, Hawkins is singing a completely different tune and saying he never did give Warmington full credit. Maybe he doesn't understand that allowing her to give herself full credit is just as good as giving it himself. 

Hawkins Affidavit, Page 21

      The fact remains that DTC attorneys were not even responsible for calling Warmington in to help. Selectman Steve Robbins publicly acknowledged it was his own request to bring Warmington to the table. Hawkins (through his current counsel) seems to think he can get away with now denying Warmington deserved “full credit” for solving the tax rate issue. 

       The press release itself contains these key, very descriptive sentiments: “Her [Warmington’s] efforts proved instrumental in DRA’s change of heart. She was happy to hear that the situation had been resolved and that Haverhill’s schools and town/precinct departments would remain open, “I’m very pleased that we were able to get it resolved, and resolved very quickly.”

    But wait, there's more. The twisted logic Hawkins follows up his political snub with claims that Warmington's "volunteer" status somehow made her work less meaningful: 


       Well, look what we have here. The last part of that paragraph reads more like a confession. DTC did fail the town by way of negligence and is still failing to come to terms with the damage their attorneys did in this case.

     Further, the brief period during which the tax rate was not set did not represent any financial catastrophe of any kind. DTC attorneys repeatedly falsely characterized the late setting of the tax rate in this manner on purpose, and they did so to find a way to quickly insinuate themselves as legal representatives of Haverhill in order to further the interests of Woodsville. The continued characterization by DTC’s attorneys of a mere hiccup in the process of setting the tax rate as a “financial catastrophe” is willfully deceptive and inaccurate. Councilor Warmington and Drummond Woodsum attorneys in fact resolved the tax rate issue quickly and without any adverse financial conditions being imposed on the town. They also did so without making any empty threats to file frivolous litigation or offending officials at the DRA in the process.  

     Haverhill Select Board Members Kevin Knapp and Michael Graham initially contacted Hawkins to represent “the town” for Codling “employment” issues. Hawkins admits such, but the retention of DTC was later framed as necessary to solve the tax rate issue as well, which DTC did not effectively resolve or have any real part in resolving. Hawkins simply used the DRA tax rate issues as a smokescreen to get hired under false pretenses, which the firm then used to run up bills for work that never came close to even bringing any kind of disciplinary action against Codling. Additionally, they ran up bills on the tax rate issue for work that had no material positive impact on the eventual setting of the tax rate. The work more likely damaged the town’s reputation by way of DTC’s overbearing and needlessly threatening tone in the demand letter they claim twisted the DRA’s arm in deciding the tax rate issue.

      Jennifer Boucher testified in her own deposition that DTC's senseless approach toward the DRA caused the town significant reputational damage.  DTC's current counsel Attorney Jim Soucy only made matters worse for his clients when he pressed Boucher for details and garnered this response: 

Boucher Deposition, page 87

      Again, a truly cancerous conflict on both sides of the attorney/client relationship between the board and DTC created the majority of the controversy here. Hawkins even ensured he received “origination” credit from the DTC firm due to his previous representation of Woodsville that led Haverhill board members to seek him out. This is another reason the WFD case involvement is crucial and very material to this case and all outstanding summary judgment motion paperwork. Hawkins clearly knew the "potential conflict" existed as he repeatedly told board members they would need a written conflict waiver. He admits that the written conflict waiver and a conflict waiver by vote was needed even in the case of a “potential conflict,” yet he failed to secure either one. He only acquired the alleged retention agreement from Robbins after much of the "work" described in billing entries had been completed. Also, Hawkins could have recommended another group of DTC attorneys handle the case, but instead he personally appears with Maher in the majority of the billing entries. He had a genuine financial interest due to his origination credit status potential and a personal interest due to his close relationship with Woodsville Administrator Kevin Shelton. Hawkins also knew at all times the board members seeking to hire him wanted him BECAUSE of his conflict rather than in spite of it.

      A simple fact check reveals that Knapp was deceiving DTC attorneys from the jump, trying to get free advice, and not really ready to officially hire the firm. However, the firm proceeding as if they were already hired and it was pre-determined with no vote or signed contract is suspicious to say the least. 

Knapp Deposition, pages 87-88

      In the legal profession, you can still trust your client while also taking the time to verify what your client tells you. DTC attorneys could have easily engaged in that verification process by checking and reviewing all the records of the meetings their clients characterize in their primary witness testimony. 

      By shutting out Codling and Boucher, DTC attorneys also purposely left themselves out of the loop as far as developments related to Drummond Woodsum’s work with the DRA. The firm’s own responsive paperwork reveals no facts were ever checked on this front by admitting in no uncertain terms: “DTC’s knowledge was limited to what it was told by the board.” (See Hawkins’ Affidavit) That’s their own damn fault for listening to the board alone in a Town Manager form of government like Haverhill. It’s also proof that DTC was always working for “the board” and never “the Town.”

      DTC's work was also always duplicative and wasteful. Town Manager Brigitte Codling had already drafted a perfectly acceptable letter to DRA officials and other state leaders asking for rate setting relief before DTC even had their retention vote ratified by a board vote. She forwarded it to the board and asked for feedback on January 10, 2023. A text message Steve Robbins sent to Kevin Shelton in early January also indicates that a formal demand letter was already sent to the DRA from the town's existing lawyer, not a DTC attorney. So, Robbins knew Drummond Woodsum was handling the tax rate issue already as early as January 4th.  

Part of a heavily redacted set of text messages between Steve Robbins and Woodsville Administrator Kevin Shelton Plan B Justice Group acquired by RSA 91A request. The top line is a text from Steve Robbins to Woodsville Administrator Kevin Shelton: "We have a letter from the lawyer going to demand DRA to set the tax rate, that should go out today." This was a text message Robbins sent during a written discussion with Shelton on January 4, 2023.  

     Somehow, the board still went forward with trying to use DTC attorneys to deal with the DRA on top of Drummond's attorneys. They chose one primary DTC attorney in particular who came highly recommended by Woodsville Administrator Kevin Shelton. 

      Codling advised the board to ratify the DTC retention vote at the January 17, 2023 Haverhill Board of Selectmen Meeting if they actually intended to hire DTC at a prior meeting. It was not the municipal legal experts the board "hired" at DTC who gave the board this guidance. It was the same person the board members told DTC attorneys not to talk to. Even if the retention vote ratification could be considered valid, there was absolutely never a public vote by the board to waive the conflict Hawkins brought to the table. A firm cannot perform work for a client in a conflict waiver scenario until that waiver is acquired. A written waiver was not even signed by any board member until after the bulk of DTC's alleged "work" was done. Even then, that waiver is garbage because the most financially conflicted board member signed it.  

     It’s basic legal facts like these that DTC attorneys are delusional to keep trying to relentlessly ignore. They also admit that they do understand a formal vote is needed to waive conflict and retain an attorney in a municipal situation. Yet, even in the retention vote situation, there was no quorum of the board ever voting if Board Members Knapp and Robbins can effectively be eliminated through challenging their documented financial conflicts. They could have voted at a hundred public meetings, and it didn’t matter because of their immediate need to disqualify themselves that they ignored to carry out the DTC collusion.

      Deceptive and devious DTC attorneys were purposely acting primarily with one wing of a dual-party government at the time. They proceeded under a cloak of secrecy and with direct intent to follow the misguided instructions of conflicted board members without respect for the law, procedure, or legal ethics.  

      This is all aside from the fact that the conflict Hawkins downplayed was so pronounced it could be considered to be impermissible for the town to even operate under a waiver of conflict in this scenario. Hawkins was a clear and undeniable personal rival of Codling, and he handled communications with her previously in regards to a contentious bill collection issue with the Woodsville Ambulance Service. Hawkins also can’t account for the fact that the case he pursued at one time on behalf of Woodsville was still having a direct financial impact on Haverhill that intertwined with the tax rate issue. Woodsville was demanding final payment of the settlement of that lawsuit even as Haverhill was trying to address the tax rate problem. Further, Hawkins does not deny that “origination” credit is also a financial benefit to him directly. He in fact states the necessity for him being assigned origination credit was: “for DTC’s internal bookkeeping purposes.” This is confirmation that Hawkins had both a personal bias that impacted his conflict as well as a financial motive to minimize his conflict instead of not taking the case. The reality is: his conflict also got him the job. 

      If at any point it seemed that Codling and/or Boucher were alright with proceeding with DTC’s guidance, it was because they were actively being deceived. They were not properly informed about the procedural weaknesses involved and did not know the extent to which Attorney Hawkins was involved. Their contact was DTC Attorney Eric Maher, who Hawkins himself referred to as the “municipal expert” on the case. 

      Codling and Boucher also repeatedly requested the documentation paperwork that would have completed DTC’s valid hiring by “the town” and not as the board’s own exclusive legal counsel. They also wanted to review the conflict paperwork. DTC followed the board’s advice and purposely shunned both women from participating in the process. Now these lame legal experts are claiming poverty of knowledge about all the facts Codling could have told them if they were talking to her like an equal player in the municipal game. 

       Hawkins clearly had a conflict with the town manager herself, which magnified his need to keep Codling in the dark about his own purported representation of the Board of Selectmen. Further, Codling let her feelings be known about Hawkins having a conflict in messages sent directly to DTC. Due to the tax rate issue having a direct connection to Woodsville’s appeal of the DRA denial of the warrant articles, it was Codling’s duty to handle the hiring and retention of all legal counsel for the tax rate issue. The board never revoked that authority in any formal fashion and could not legally do so "at any time" and definitely not in an informal fashion at a non-meeting.

        Knapp’s public attempt to formally revoke Codling’s authority failed, and that attempt occurred right before individual board members (Graham and Knapp) initiated contact with Hawkins in the hopes of using his services to help them terminate the town administrator’s employment. This made it convenient for Hawkins to follow the supposed instructions of the board to not communicate with Boucher or Codling on the tax rate issue or the "personnel" issue. Hawkins insisting he only had a conflict under a certain nuanced scenario is disingenuous and deceptive. His conflict was not with a principle as much as it was with a person: Codling.

       Further, Knapp publicly stated that the conflict issues were never discussed with the board, and though DTC maintains there was “an agreement” by the board to waive the conflict, there was never a formal vote to waive the conflict at any duly noticed public meeting. Though there is a contention that board members were “polled” on the conflict issue, that does not equate to a formal vote based on a formal motion at a public meeting. This is not just a matter of semantics but more so acceptable governmental policy and procedure. Also, in his own deposition, Knapp showed he has a very poor memory of events. If you search the document for "I do not recall" and "don't recall" you find those phrases appear 22 times, including when Knapp is repeatedly asked about conflict discussions. 

         The bulk of DTC's "work" in question was done long before any formal waiver or retention paperwork signed by any board member was on file with DTC. Basic logic and legal analysis demands that this crucial paperwork defining the scope of duties and responsibilities of the associated attorneys must be in place before any legal work is rendered in the case of a municipal representation. This paperwork was not on file until the end of January, 2023. That was long after the tax rate issue was resolved by the efforts of Drummond Woodsum and Councilor Warmington. This would not be such a significant issue if there was at least retroactive language in the retention agreement delineating that it covered work done prior to the delivery of a signed agreement. 

      However, there was no such retroactive language in either the waiver or the retention paperwork signed by Steve Robbins, who was duty bound to recuse himself from any participation in the hiring due to the fact that he was a direct employee of Woodsville and the chief of the Fire Department. No other board member had more to gain financially if the warrant articles in dispute were ratified by the DRA and/or funded by way of the tax rate setting.

     A Town Manager form of government cannot be led solely by the actions of the Board of Selectmen. The whole reason for having a Town Manager form of government is to ensure that board members are not saddled with duties and responsibilities they are not trained or qualified to deal with. The blind loyalty shown to the board DTC displayed is conclusive evidence that DTC attorneys were willing to forego the ethical and legal analysis that any unconflicted attorney would conduct in this case. They were also willing to ignore rules of procedure and the principles behind the Town Manager form of government to further the interests of board members sympathetic to Hawkins’ former client: Woodsville. DTC attorneys obviously considered following instructions of conflicted board members more important than following legal ethics principles in this case. These same attorneys obviously considered following the instructions of the board a much higher priority than doing things “by the book” and executing the retention and waiver process properly in a manner consistent with normal procedure.

        DTC attorneys make a key admission in their statement of facts: 

     “By way of further response, DTC accepted that if the Board declined to waive conflict, DTC would be unable to recover for the time it incurred up to that point. Hawkins Aff. ¶ 30.” (emphasis added)

     No valid conflict waiver was ever provided with a valid signature despite what allegedly happened or didn't happen at any formal or informal board meeting. The same sentiment above is true if there was no valid waiver vote or documentation in place. It therefore follows that DTC attorneys should have known they could never recover any compensation for their time since there was never a valid conflict waiver in place to cover the two issues they were allegedly retained by the town for.

       Robbins could not legally waive his own financial conflict, and his lone signature on the waiver provided by DTC voids the document. Further, no public meeting vote to waive the conflict was ever recorded on video or in any written public meeting minutes. Communications between Woodsville District Administrator Kevin Shelton and Robbins also prove that Robbins knew about his need to abstain from issues connected to his employment with the district. Robbins sent a crucial text message to Woodsville Administrator Kevin Shelton in February, 2023 about abstaining from a discussion pertaining to the Woodsville Fire Department:

      Robbins was by far the most conflicted member of the board involved, and all the DTC paperwork was initially sent to his personal home address instead of any official Town of Haverhill address. His signature on the documents invalidates them because he was duty-bound to recuse himself from even discussing DTC’s hiring to handle the tax rate or the personnel issue with Codling’s employment. Essentially this also naturally revokes any public actions of the board involving Robbins’ participation. DTC’s own provided testimony proves the only so-called “vote” to waive any conflict occurred at a “non-meeting” that was never recorded. No meeting minutes exist to reflect the circumstances of such a vote, and this violates New Hampshire’s RSA 91A Right to Know Law.  These circumstances effectively revoke all the submitted waiver and retention paperwork, which was not signed by any other board member and is wholly unsupported by any documented public vote.

      The lack of a valid conflict waiver is a huge technicality, which the legal system is built upon. Nothing ends cases quicker than a giant technicality win. The monster technicality favoring the town is that there is no testimony documenting a formal board vote to waive DTC's conflict at a public board meeting. It is an end game situation. Also, DTC's desperate attempts to get some kind of financial relief by arguing they had a contract is a lose/lose scenario for their legal team. If they win the argument and prove they had a contract, their only recourse would be arbitration, which it's too late to file for. That ship has sailed. 

      If the board did have a "contract" with Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella, it never did get delivered until at least February 9th, 2023: 

     DTC attorneys continue to repeatedly maintain the complete falsehood that they had a direct positive impact on the rate setting simply because they received one email informing them that the tax rate had been set. This is both disingenuous and deceptive. This represents a willful violation of the NH rules of Attorney Conduct on the part of the DTC attorneys initially involved in trying to sway the DRA as well as the attorneys now representing those attorneys in this current litigation.  

       Drummond Woodsum attorneys were already communicating with DRA officials long before DTC even made any attempt to demand the rate be set. Additionally, government agencies do not make such decisions lightly or within such a short time frame of a few hours, as is reflected by the DRA’s language in expressing their frustration with DTC’s approach. Further, the letter itself that demanded the tax rate be set by DRA was excessively threatening in nature and suggested multiple lawsuits could be filed against DRA if it did not act to set the tax rate. The parameters for such suggested lawsuits were hyperbolic and laughable. 

     Again, the demand letter itself illustrates the depth of the rivalry between Hawkins and the DRA, further compounding his conflict in representing Haverhill on the tax rate issue that involved the DRA directly. Hawkins also admitted in his affidavit that he had discussions with the DRA's counsel from the NH Department of Justice in which a quick resolution was suggested: convince Woodsville to drop their appeal that gave rise to the tax rate delay. Because of his conflict and history with Woodsville, Hawkins could never take such advice. 

      DTC’s own defensive documents proclaim: “DTC was taking direction directly from the Selectboard and had been directed by the Selectboard not to communicate with Ms. Codling or Ms. Boucher regarding the tax rate dispute, and therefore DTC could accept direction or instructions from Ms. Codling or Ms. Boucher only with the approval of the Selectboard. See Hawkins Aff. ¶ 45; Maher Aff. ¶ 18”

      This contention defies all the principles on which a Town Manager government is based on. It is clear the DTC attorneys did no independent assessment of the legality or validity of such an approach restricting all communications on the tax rate issue with the only person who was directly responsible for handling all legal matters related to Woodsville. DTC cries ignorance here when it is their own actions and inactions which led to their being uninformed. The board and the DTC attorneys kept Codling and Boucher out of the loop at their own peril, as both Codling and Boucher testified at length about their traditional roles in the legal hiring and retention processes. Codling and Boucher had all the experience in this arena while the board members DTC was listening to had none. 

       Boucher herself wrote a crucial email to Attorney Erich Maher at DTC on January 13, 2023. 

Email From Jennifer Boucher to DTC Attorney Eric Maher and DTC Attorney Christopher Boldt, January 13, 2023

      Only Codling had the authority to sign the retention and conflict waiver documents as selectmen previously delegated that authority to her and never formally revoked it. DTC has provided no evidence that the board ever revoked that authority, and even if they somehow did, DTC attorneys and their counsel do not have any evidence showing Codling was ever informed that her authority was revoked. A falsehood continuously presented by DTC and their counsel in this litigation does not negate the true facts supported by direct evidence. DTC was also told as early as January 13, 2023 that Drummond Woodsum was ready to proceed. 

      The N.H. Rules of Professional Conduct for attorneys describes a Conflict of Interest as follows: 

      "A conflict of interest exists “if: (1) the representation of one client will be directly adverse to another client; or (2) there is a significant risk that the representation of one or more clients will be materially limited by the lawyer’s responsibilities to another client, a former client or a third person, or by a personal interest of the lawyer. N.H. R. Prof. Cond.1.7(a)."

      Attorney Hawkins can check all the boxes there, as his conflict was not at all "potential." It was actual, and it was a pronounced conflict with multiple parties involved in all sides of this litigation. He created his own perfect storm of conflict that should be part of future legal and political textbooks as an example of what not to do in both professions. 

     While DTC attorneys maintain repeatedly the board hired their firm and waived the conflict on January 10, 2023, the meeting minutes from January 17th reflect otherwise. (see page 10 of meeting minutes for January 17, 2023 Select Board Meeting): 

     "The Board noted there is no contract. Vice Chair Robbins said there might be more correspondence. He believes the Select Board and Administration need to discuss law firms in general." 

      Yet, DTC’s testimony is that the entire board told them not to communicate at all with Codling or Boucher regarding hiring DTC or any other issue related to the tax rate setting delay. That contention by DTC does not match the sentiment shared publicly by Robbins at the January 17, 2023 board meeting. The problem with lies is the story always changes. It's much easier to remember what really happened. Robbins wanted to hide his true intentions and repeatedly tripped himself up trying to. 

     Most states mandate a written agreement signed by all relevant parties be in place before legal representation of any party can be begin. This is how a Virginia law firm describes the importance of retainer agreements: 

A retainer agreement governs your attorney/client relationship, and you are not a client (and the attorney is not YOUR attorney) until it is signed.

A retainer agreement ensures that our malpractice coverage is triggered, too, because we’ve undertaken to represent you as a client. It acts as a protective force for both of us, so it’s really important. It’s also filled with lots of important details.

What is a retainer agreement and what does it do? - Hofheimer Family Law Firm (

     New Hampshire needs a good precedent case on this subject, and this could be it since DTC didn't acquire their own signed retention agreement on paper until sometime in early February, 2023.  Steve Robbins sent text messages to Hawkins verifying that timing. See above photo

      DTC attorneys depend on some obscure language in the Rules of Professional Conduct for NH attorneys to explain why they could do their work without a governing retention agreement. The rule language they cite is moot in this case, however, as municipal client retentions are vastly different from those of private parties. There are much more strict requirements in New Hampshire municipal retentions due primarily to NH RSA 91A stipulations.  

      The Board did not ever sign any conflict waiver for DTC to handle personnel issues. The board additionally never voted to waive any conflict related to personnel issues at any duly noticed public meeting. Attorney Hawkins in particular did not just serve as counsel for Woodsville in relation to the lawsuit he admits to participating in. Hawkins also previously performed general counsel duties for Woodsville such as sending a demand letter to Haverhill Town Manager Brigitte Codling for the district’s ambulance service payment on July 29, 2020. 

       Hawkins had more than a significant working relationship with Woodsville and his history with the district gave him an intense personal motivation to help the Haverhill Board of Selectmen retaliate against Codling for her efforts to deny Woodsville’s highway and fire departments continued funding. Further, there was never a formal vote at any duly noticed public Haverhill Select Board Meeting where the board voted to hire DTC attorneys for personnel issues.

      Attorney Christopher Hawkins having such pronounced experience as general counsel for Woodsville in prior instances and his ongoing rivalry with Codling represented a concrete conflict he purposely ignored to pursue the opportunity to purportedly work for the Town of Haverhill. The conduct he exhibited while engaged in this supposed attorney/client relationship with the board reflects his constant motivation to protect the best interests of the district of Woodsville while pretending to advance the best interests of the Town of Haverhill. 

     His history with Woodsville and his behavior as an alleged representative of Haverhill are textbook examples of why conflicted attorneys should refuse cases like this. Rather than alleviate any concerns with Hawkins by choosing a different attorney at DTC to handle these issues, DTC ensured Hawkins took the lead position and received origination credit for his involvement in the case. Hawkins himself admitted he willingly listened to board members who suggested he work around Codling and keep communications with her to a bare minimum. This was not just the case for the personnel issues he allegedly worked on. He also purposely avoided communications with Codling on the tax rate issue that she alone was authorized to retain legal counsel for. Hawkins additionally lied to board members and the court by insisting through current counsel and his own sworn testimony that there was only a “potential” conflict and no actual conflict involved.

      DTC cannot possibly maintain a factual record to prove they were ever retained properly by the town. Any appearance of retention is invalidated by multiple factors and circumstances previously described here. DTC attorneys were well versed in the law and procedure that was acceptable and proper to facilitate valid retention, but their actions and inactions nullified their alleged retention and made DTC’s contentions that they were retained legally indefensible.

DTC Attorney Eric Maher Affidavit, page 10 

     DTC attorneys erroneously characterize their gross misconduct and complete failure to follow proper procedure as “work” when what they did had no benefit whatsoever to the town of Haverhill. Rather than the board relying on DTC’s instructions, DTC admittedly relied on the board’s instructions to make crucial decisions to the detriment of the town and their own chances of recovering payment for their time invested. attorney Maher blatantly admits to representing the board, and the entire Select Board here:

     The problem is, DTC was devoted only to the board. And that's a monster problem. They were never appropriately representing the entire town precisely because the board obviously attempted to hire them--and Hawkins in particular-- to do their bidding without instruction or direction from Codling.  The board was truly a rogue faction of the town at that point and also went awry on following normal procedures for conflict waivers and retention agreements. 

      DTC's current counsel does not realize the extent to which his own clients have testified against themselves in this case. What these new attorneys getting duped might think backs all their crazy claims up and proves their points actually sinks their battleships. 

       When the whole subversive effort blew up in DTC's face, they wanted credit and money for their supposed material contributions. They deserve neither. Here's a little pep talk Hawkins sent to the board on January 17, 2023:

       "You are doing the right thing and will be punished accordingly. You need to know in your heart of hearts that you are doing the right thing by the Town," Hawkins wrote. "Remember that the life of the Town is long and that this too shall pass. You just want to be recorded in its history as having done the right thing to the best of your collective ability." 

     Ain't that the truth, Chistopher? Good, solid advice right there. Except there were some real Game of Thrones political maneuvers being played on your firm and by your firm, and you let your conflict distract you from realizing what the conflicted board members were telling you might not be true.  

      DTC attorneys indeed relied blindly on the direction of a clearly conflicted board through every step of the process. They did so to their own detriment and failed to include the Town Manager in crucial discussions, also to their own detriment. Had DTC attorneys been open and honest with the Town Manager all along the way, they would have avoided the confusion and controversy they essentially created by allowing the board to play the role of legal advisor to them. DTC attorneys basically acted more like the client than the attorneys. Only a pronounced conflict could inspire an attorney to take such an approach. The current DTC attorneys obviously didn't perform any serious independent investigation of their own into the facts of the case. It's a legit Attorney Conduct issue and a potential sanctions motion could be in play for the town against both sets of slick and slimy solicitors.  

     The town realized no benefit from any action DTC took to review personnel matters related to Codling’s employment. It can certainly be argued that the town was damaged irreparably by the involvement of DTC attorneys in this regard. The board members who relied on DTC’s assistance also did not benefit at all from DTC’s involvement. On the contrary, one of them suffered a re-election defeat and two others were forced to resign. Kevin Knapp, the only remaining sitting board member involved, faced harsh public criticism from two prior board members for his role in bringing in DTC attorneys without proper authorization. 

     Former Board Member Matt Bjelobrk and Former Board Chair Fred Garofalo both publicly asked Knapp to resign. Knapp's little public fishing trip ultimately cost the town a lot of money it shouldn't be spending on such a plainly offensive and open-and-shut case of political and legal corruption. Knapp also personally voted to pursue this current case against DTC.  Why he remains on the board and clings to his little position of power is a mystery in itself. 

      The lies are multiplying, and DTC and their attorneys are leading their case into deep quicksand. They are up to their necks in lies and will fatally choke on them on the legal battlefield. Plan B Justice Group will continue to chronicle the ins and outs of this litigation and report on the ultimate results. Stay tuned!